Scholarships and grants available to CMU students
American Caribbean Maritime Foundation (ACMF) – Scholarships and Grants
Eligibility: Returning students registered in undergraduate programmes
Value: US$750 – US$5,000 payable for one academic year.
- Be a Caribbean National
- Passport Size Photograph
- Essay: Please write an essay detailing why you would be a good candidate for this scholarship, your future goals and describe your financial need in relation to your programme of study? (250 words)
- Enrolled full-time or part-time at the CMU in an undergraduate degree programme.
- Acceptance Letter: If you have been accepted to a tertiary institution, but you have not started please upload a copy of your acceptance letter.
- Academic Transcript: Upload ONE (1) copy of your most recent official Academic Transcript (certified copy may be required later in the process)
- Educational Qualifications: If you are currently enrolled in a tertiary institution, please upload all your educational qualifications (CSEC/GCE/CAPE results, professional certification and/or equivalent qualification)
- Letters of Recommendation: Upload TWO (2) Letters of Reference, other than family members, displaying a stamp or letterhead.
- Scholarship is renewable based on academic performance.
Accepted file types: pdf, jpg, jpeg, png, gif, Max. file size: 5 MB.
Application Deadline: February 1 – April 30
Caribbean Shipping Association – Monica Silvera Scholarship
Eligible to all undergraduate students at the Caribbean Maritime University, preference given to final year students.
Value: US$2,500.00
- Be a Caribbean national from countries with membership to the Caribbean Shipping Association.
- Be a registered student.
- Have completed a Scholarship application form;
- Have been accepted to the Caribbean Maritime University for his/her programme of choice for the review period.
- Have completed an essay on a topical issue as determined by the Caribbean Shipping Association and/or the Caribbean Maritime University.
- Be a person of good character, displaying leadership qualities and consistent involvement in social/community activities (providing documentary proof of same, where possible)
Applications period: May 1 – June 30
Contact Details: Application forms available at the University. Complete application and submit to the Office of the University Registrar. Tel: (876) 924-8150/59.
New Fortress Energy (NFE) Scholarship
Eligibility: Full-time registered student in an undergraduate programme (preferably in Engineering).
Value: Up to US$4,000.00
- Under 25 years of age.
- From the parishes of St. Catherine, Clarendon, Kingston or St. James (specifically Montego Bay).
- Enrolled at the CMU in an undergraduate degree in the faculty of Engineerin
Special Requirements:
- Have a letter of acceptance to an undergraduate degree programme at CMU.
- CAPE and CSEC scores or Transcript for returning students with a 3.0 GPA or above.
- One page essay on educational goals, 2 character reference letters, certified copy of birth certificate.
- Scholarship is renewable based on academic performance.
Application Deadline: July 31, 2023
Completed application form must be submitted to the Office of the University registrar.
Please note: Successful candidate shall not be the holder or recipient of any other scholarship covering tuition cost.
Ministry Of Labour & Social Security – Path Programme Tertiary Bursaries
Eligibility: PATH beneficiaries accepted to or attending accredited tertiary institutions.
Value: JM$100,000.00 (renewable).
- Letter of acceptance from the CMU or institution where the candidate is expected to continue his/her studies (for first year students).
- Maintain a GPA of 2.5 or above for the 2nd to 4th year of
Application Period: August 1 – October 31 each year
Returing students: Enquire at the Office of Students Affairs for further details.
Email: or (876) 922-8000-13 for details on how to apply.
CMA CGM Jamaica Limited Scholarship
Eligibility: Returning students registered in undergraduate programmes within the faculties of Shipping and Logistics or Marine and Nautical Studies.
Value: US$1,000 payable for one academic year.
- Be a Jamaican or Caribbean national.
- Enrolled full-time at the CMU in an undergraduate degree programme.
- Completed essay on a topical issue determined by the CMA CGM and/or CMU.
- Transcript showing 3.0 GPA or above in the academic year prior to application.
- Must be of good character, displaying leadership qualities and consistent involvement in extracurricular /community activities.
Application Deadline: June 30 each year.
Completed application form must be submitted to the Office of the University Registrar, CMU.
Embassy Of the People’s Republic of China, Chinese Ambassador’s Scholarship
Eligibility: All returning undergraduate students at the Caribbean Maritime University, preference given to final year students.
Value: JM$200,000 payable for one academic year.
- Be a Caribbean national.
- Enrolled full-time at the CMU in an undergraduate degree programme.
- Must be of good character, displaying leadership qualities.
- Must have a financial need. Involvement in community service/involvement and extracurricular activities
- 3.0 GPA or above in the academic year prior to application.
Application Deadline: July 31st each year
Grace Kennedy Foundation (Luis Fred Kennedy) Scholarships
Eligibility: Full-time students studying a BSc. in Logistics and Supply Chain Management at the CMU.
Value: Up to a maximum of JM$450,000 per annum.
- Must be a Jamaican
- Have an average of 3.0 GPA or above and complete 40 volunteer hours until final year, where it is reduced to 30 volunteer hours.
- On the first day of May in the year of the application, the candidate shall not be over the age of 23 years.
- Be a person of good character, displaying leadership qualities and consistent involvement in social/community activities.
- Having completed and submitted The LFK/CMU Scholarship application form by June 30.
- Involved in extracurricular activities.
Visit or call (876) 932-3181/3541/3350
Application Deadline: May 1 – June 30 each year.
Sagicor Foundation Scholarships
Eligibility: Undergraduate students at any year.
Value: JM$300,000 per annum.
- Must be a Jamaican
- Must maintain a 3.0 GPA and complete 20 hours of voluntary service annually.
- Open to clients/children of clients of any Sagicor Group Jamaica subsidiaries (Sagicor Life, Sagicor Bank, Sagicor Investments) and is renewable annually for up to four (4) years.
- Have a letter of acceptance to an undergraduate degree programme in Jamaica.
- Demonstrate high academic performance (GPA, CXC, CAPE, etc.)
- Show strong leadership traits and spirit of volunteerism and involvement (e.g. Membership in an established youth club.
- Maintain full-time student status during the duration of the programme.
Application Period: Opens in May and closes June 2 of each year.
Sydney A. Phillips Scholarship
Eligibility requirements for candidates:
- Be a Jamaican national
- Possess good academic records
- Have already been accepted by the institution and will have completed a minimum of one academic year by July 2024
- Be a resident of St. Mary
- Have attended school in St. Mary to at least CSEC level
- Be actively involved in community and/or school activities
Value of award: JM$300,000.00 per annum – renewable on confirmation of good academic standing
Earnest Johnson Memorial Bursary
Eligibility requirements for candidates:
- Be a Jamaican national.
- Strong academic performance (CSEC, CAPE, IB or Tertiary Studies with a GPA of 3.0 or above)
- Programmes of study covered: Agriculture and agriculture/agronomy related fields, Shipping and Logistics related fields, and Manufacturing and Food Production related fields.
Value of award: JM$300,000.00 (The award is granted for 1 year, but renewable up to 3 years upon confirmation of good academic standing)
Application forms can be obtained from:
- The scholarship offices at the Caribbean Maritime University
- JP Farms, Annotto Bay, St. Mary
- Robinson Phillips & Whitehorne, Highgate office
- Website:
- Instagram: @MaryEducationTrust
The completed Application Form along with all supporting documents are to be received no later than May 24, 2024 at 5:00pm to: SMET@JPJAMAICA.COM
c/o Jamaica Producers Group Limited
60 Knutsford Boulevard, Kingston 5, Jamaica
Should you have any questions regarding your application, please contact Mrs. Lisa McGregor-Johnston or Ms. Christina Howell at (876)926-3503.
Carreras Jamaica Limited
Eligibility: Bursaries offered to Returning Undergraduate students
Value: JM$50,000.00 to $100,000.00
- Must be a Jamaican
- Must be 18 years or older.
- Official transcript.
- Be in need of financial assistance.
- Must be an enrolled student in any of the institutions (UWI, UTECH, CMU, NCC, UCC, Hydel).
Completed application form along with supporting documents should be submitted to
Completed forms may also be dropped off at the Legal and External Affairs Department, Carreras Limited, 13a Ripon Road, Kingston 5.
Application Period: Opens April – June 30 each year.
Carreras Jamaica Limited Postgraduate Scholarships
Eligibility: Tenable at any recognized university worldwide and can be applied to any field of study.
Value: JM$1,000,000.00
- Official transcript showing academic background (at least an Upper Second-Class degree)
- Statement of Purpose of Study
- Résumé
- Birth Certificate or Driver’s License or Passport
- Two Letters of References
- Evidence of acceptance for postgraduate studies at a college/university
- Statement of intention of candidate after course completion
- Extra-curricular activities at university level
Application Period: Opens April – June 30 each year.
Instructions: Application form can be retrieved at
Completed application form along with supporting documents should be submitted to
Victoria Mutual Building Society – Future Plan, Master Plan and Stem Scholarships
Eligibility: First and final year students of undergraduate programmes/Students pursuing studies in the area of Science, Technology, Engineering or Mathematics (STEM)
Value: JM$450,000.00 first year students (renewable over 3 years) and for final year students JM$450,000.00 (one-time scholarship).
- Holder of an active VMBS Savings Account
- Letter of Acceptance from institution where candidate is pursuing studies.
- Letter of recommendation from the candidate’s school certifying enrollment stating grades and copy of last two end of year reports.
- For STEM students – Essay of 300-500 words on ‘Why I chose STEM’ (double-spaced/letter-size)
Contact Details: Visit or call (876) 754-8627 for application details.
Application period: April to June each year.
Betting Gaming and Lotteries Tertiary Education Grants
Eligibility: First Year and Returning Students.
Value: JM$50,000.00
- Be no older than 26 years as at September of the applying year.
- Confirmed to attend, or currently attend an accredited local tertiary institution.
- Have at least 3.0 GPA in the previous academic year.
- Must have acquired acceptance to or be enrolled at for semester beginning September 2022.
- Provide 2 References on the Referee Affidavit Form and submitted with the application in the Referee’s own sealed envelope addressed to the BGLC.
Contact details: 78cef Hagley Park Road, Kingston 10,/ Tel: 876-630-1353 | WhatsApp: 876 224 2452 | Email:
Application Period: May 1 – July 31 each year.
Wray and Nephew Foundation Scholarship
Eligibility: Tertiary-level students who live within the areas surrounding J Wray & Nephew Limited’s operations at Spanish Town Road in Kingston, New Yarmouth in Clarendon, and Appleton Estate, in St. Elizabeth
Value: Undetermined
- Must have a financial need.
- Shortlisted candidates will be interviewed.
- Have at least 3.0 GPA in the previous academic year.
- Be recommended by an academic advisor or professor.
- To volunteer 72 hours per year within the community.
Contact Details: Visit or call (876) 923-6140 for application details.
Application Period: June 11- July 14 each year
JMMB Joan Duncan Foundation Scholarships
Eligibility: Students up the first degree level in Jamaica except Medicine, Law, Dentistry, Engineering and Architecture.
Value: Undetermined
- To have at least a ‘C’ average and shall be identified by their educational institution as individuals who are finacially challenged.
- Letter of request for assistance. Please include email address and phone number.
- Letter from Institution identifying students as being financially challenged
- One-time disbursement, must apply annually.
- Most current school grades and exam results
- Birth certificate.
Application Period: April 1 – May 31 each year.
Courts Jamaica – Dare to Dream Scholarship
Eligibility: Students who excel academically, but on the bases of need and the relationship their parents and/or guardians have with the Courts Jamaica.
Value: $250,000.00 (one-time); $400,000.00 (duration of study)
- Applicants must be accepted or be registered study of any recognized tertiary institution in Jamaica.
- New students must have at least (5) CSEC subjects and a minimum of (4) CAPE units.
- Must maintain a 3.0 GPA or B+ average
- Must be pursuing a first degree
Application Period: May 1 – June 30 each year.
Jamaica Flour Mills Foundation Scholarships and Grants
Eligibility: Students residing within the communities surrounding its plant located in Eastern Kingston.
Value: Undetermined
- Must be a full-time student
- Currently residing in Kingston 2 community for a minimum of 5 years
- Between 17 and 35 years of age
- Six (6) CXC General Proficiency subjects at Grade I or II, including English Language and Mathematics
- Three (3) 2-Unit CAPE subjects at Grade I or II
- Current university student must have a 3.0 GPA
- Completed application form along with one (1) passport size photograph, certified copies of CSEC/CAPE certificates or University transcripts should be submitted to Secretary, Jamaica Flour Mills Foundation.
Application Period: Open until July each year.
Jamaica Energy Partners (JEP) Scholarships and Grants
Eligibility: Full-time or part-time students residing within the communities surrounding its plant located in Kingston and St. Andrew and St. Catherine.
Value: JM$250,000.00 Scholarship and JM$180,000 for Grants
- Must live in the communities of Kingston and St. Andrew and St. Catherine for a minimum of 5 years and currently reside in the Division.
- Must be 21 years or younger upon entry to the institution.
- Students are required to participate in at least 3 company outreach projects for the year.
- Part-time students must demonstrate exceptional circumstances that have prevented him/her from full-time enrolment.
- Scholarship is provided for academic excellence and/or financial need.
Application Closes: August 11
Ministry Of Education and Youth MSTVETT Scholarship
Eligibility: Full-time Engineering students.
Value: Undetermined
- Must be a Jamaican national accepted to or registered in an undergraduate programme.
- First year students must have at least five (5) subjects in CXC/GCE examination (including Mathematics and English Language. Students with CAPE Units 1 and 2 will have an advantage.
- Returning students (second year ONLY) must have a minimum GPA of 3.0
- Be no older than 35 years old.
Contact or (876) 612-6082/6031 for more details.
Application Period: April 1 – June 30 each year
Ministry Of Education and Youth Scholarship (JAMVAT)
Eligibility: Full-time, first-time undergraduate students who qualify for admission but are financially challenged.
Value: 30% of Tuition payment (not exceeding $350,000).
- Must be a Jamaican national
- First time undergraduate student who is willing to serve and willing to complete 200 voluntary hours.
- Must be between the ages of 18-35 on or before December 31 within the year of application.
- Must be unemployed.
- Attending or accepted to a tertiary institution approved by the UCJ.
Application Period: April 1 – May 31 each year.
JAMALCO Community Scholarship
Eligibility: Tertiary level students accepted or be registered to study at any recognized tertiary institution in Jamaica and residing in Jamalco’s operating areas in Clarendon.
Value: Undetermined
- High academic performance/grades in school exams, CXC, CAPE, etc.
- Current university student must have a 3.0 GPA
- Membership in an established youth club, involvement in service club, or voluntary community service or school involvement.
- Students must need financial assistance.
- Students who are re-applying for a scholarship must submit certified copies of their transcript(s).
Email for details on how to apply.
Application Period: April 11 – May 31 each year.
National Commercial Bank (NCB) Foundation
Eligibility: Full-time tertiary level students pursuing non-traditional fields of study, including but not limited to, Engineering, Animation, Cybersecurity, Artificial Intelligence.
Value: JM$300,000.00
- High academic performance/grades in school exams, CXC, CAPE, etc.
- Current university student must have a 3.0 GPA and complete 8 hours of voluntary service.
- Letter of Acceptance to an accredited undergraduate degree programme in Jamaica.
- Maintain full-time student status during the length of the programme.
- Must have demonstrated financial need.
Application Period: July 30 – August 4 each year.
First Heritage Co-Operative Credit Union (Renald Mason) Scholarship
Eligibility: University students entering 2nd to final year at any recognized tertiary institution.
Value: Undetermined
- Application must be a member or the child of a member of FHC Credit Union.
- Must demonstrate community volunteerism.
- Students are required to participate in at least 3 company outreach projects for the year.
- Two (2) written references must be submitted to verify applicant’s involvement in projects.
- Applicant must not be the recipient of any other current scholarships.
- Submission of transcript with 3.50 GPA
Application Deadline: July 28 each year.
Ministry of Finance & the Public Service Scholarship
Eligibility: Public Sector Workers and their children pursuing their educational goals and professional/personal development at the tertiary level.
Value: JM$150,000 (Grants) for the current academic year.
- Children whose parent (s) work for the Public Sector.
- Permanently appointed or temporary employed with at least 2 years’ continuous service.
- Newly accepted students at a registered Institution.
- Returning students at an institution with at least a B average (i.e. GPA 2.5 or higher).
- Indebted to an Institution having completed a programme of study within the past academic year.
Application Deadline: Opens July 11 – August 31 each year.
Jamaica Police Federation Scholarship
Eligibility: Members of Island Special Constabulary Force (ISCF)
Value: Undetermined
- First year student must have been accepted to a tertiary institution approved by the UCJ and provide a breakdown of fee structure
- Returning student must provide a status letter from the approved tertiary institution, progress report/transcript, and breakdown of fee structure.
Applications period: June 1 to July 31 each year
Email: for details on how to apply
Scholarships Unit Contact Details
Mrs. Melaine Moyston: Scholarship Co-Ordinator (
Mr. Ricardo Marriott: Manager, Recruitment and Admissions (
Scholarships Unit:
Located: Office of Student Affairs (Registry)
Telephone: 876-924-8150 Ext. 4009