The Caribbean Maritime University has extended the application period for undergraduate admission to June 30, 2020 in response to calls by prospective students who have undergone several challenges amidst the global COVID-19 pandemic.
Since May, the University has received an influx of queries from prospective students requesting an extension of the application deadline. The decision to extend the deadline was ‘very important’ according to University Registrar Dr. Mark Broomfield.
“Even though we are in a health crisis, there are still students who wish to start their academic journey at the tertiary level,” he said. “So, it was a very important decision taken by the University to allow these students an opportunity to pursue their goals.”
While students are still able to apply, the University has started the acceptance process from a pool of persons who applied early, with additional candidates expected to be admitted throughout June.
Despite the global health crisis, the CMU is working to ensure that, where admission services in particular are concerned, students are as minimally affected as possible. “We are committed to ensuring that disruptions outside students’ control will not negatively impact their application and admission to the University,” said Dr. Broomfield. “The Admission Department is continuing to process applications and release offers of admission based on academic results available to date.”
Females comprise 62% of applicants thus far, compared with 51% last year and 46% the year before. With this increase in the percentage of female applicants this year, second-year CMU engineering student Stephane Roberts hopes more women will take the dive into careers which have traditionally been dominated by men. “It would be great to see more women enrolling in the engineering programme here at CMU,” Stephane said. “It is very rigorous, but it prepares you well for the world of work.”
So far, the applicants include students come from all 14 parishes along with international prospects.
Over the last few years, the University has received close to 5000 applications each year.
To apply now, please click the link here https://srs.cmu.edu.jm/web/signup